Norwood Scale of Hair Transplantation

Norwood Scale 6-7 hair transplant checks the condition using certain scales. The Hamilton-Norwood Scale is one of these criteria. This scale gives a rating of male pattern baldness from 1 to 7. Preparation, its first owner, Dr. It was started by James Hamilton in 1975. The type was later redesigned by Norwood. Therefore, the scale has the names currently known as Hamilton-Norwood Scale or Norwood Scale.

Norwood Scale of Hair Transplantation

Norwood 1

Young hairline. Usually, there is no need for hair transplantation. However, transplantation may be performed remaining within the boundaries of the hairline if there is only a sparseness. Because of the risk of continuation of shedding in young people, it is more appropriate to administer medication instead of transplantation. For the middle age and above, transplantation can be performed for the purpose of hair densification.

Norwood 2-2a

The first phase of baldness. The frontal hairline has receded until the midline without leaving an islet in the middle. Mature hairline: Deep recession that leaves both temple sides hairless or with very little hair. This image contains minimum hair shedding that can be considered as baldness. For this shedding which comprises the shedding on the corners, a transplanting procedure in the range of 4000 hair follicles can be done.

Vertex 3

Depending on the size of the area that is shed, a transplanting procedure in the range of 5000 hair follicles can be done.

Norwood 4

The recession is more pronounced in front temples, and the hairless area on the top is wider. The hairless region on the front is separated from the top by only a thin strip of hair. Here, the amount to be transplanted may vary between (6000 hair follicles).

Norwood 4 a

Transplantation may be performed in the range of (6000 hair follicles).

Norwood 5

Hairless areas on the front and on the top have expanded. The hairy strip between these two regions has become so thin that it has almost disappeared, or it has been thinned. 7000 hair follicles can be transplanted.

Norwood 5 a

Hairless areas on the front and on the top are further enlarged and united. 2800-3500 grafts (8000 hair follicles) can be transplanted. The amount to be transplanted varies depending on the density of the donor area.

Norwood 6-7

A thin hair ring in the shape of a horseshoe; the hairline has receded until the back. There is thinning on the back and sides that are still hairy. Transplanting can be performed in the range of 10,000 hair follicles.


Frequently Asked Questions

In live hair transplantation your hair grows every month after transplantation. The extension period you see on your skin as extended is 6 to 12 months.

Before transplantation, all your hair is shortened to grade one haircut.

To harvest tissue from the nape region, we use tips called punches with a diameter of 0.7 mm. We need to cut your hair on the nape to one cm short so that these punches can extract hair follicles from inside the skin and your hair can be transplanted with the FUE technique. The nape and all your hair are shortened to grade one haircut.

The follicles do not grow back again as hair in the region where follicles are taken from. Therefore, the fruitfulness of the nape region is very important in hair transplantation. Existing hairs cover the areas where tissue was taken from and no scar is left.

As a result of the operations performed with the FUE method, your hair gets a completely natural look. This naturalness is provided by the fact that the follicles that have been taken belong to the person him or herself. Hair color is in the color and character of your hair. There are no foreign substance, reaction or side effects.

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