How Should I Sleep After a Hair Transplant?


Obtaining information about sleeping position after hair transplantation is one of the questions that people who have had hair transplantation are curious about. After the hair transplantation is completed, you should act knowing that the transplanted area is sensitive for 10 days. The hair transplantation area should not be damaged during sleep.

You need to lie on your back on an inclined place for 10-11 days and make sure that the hair transplantation area will not be damaged. On the 10th day after hair transplantation, you can start sleeping on your side without damaging the hair transplantation area. After the 14th day, improvement is observed in the hair transplanted area and you may be more comfortable sleeping on your side after hair transplantation.


Can I Lay on the Back of My Head After Hair Transplant?


  • Lying on your back with your head upright for 14 days after hair transplantation will prevent you from damaging the hair transplantation area.
  • You can increase the number of pillows to keep your head elevated.
  • You will need to prevent yourself from turning left or right without realizing it. You can sleep with a travel pillow to prevent damage to the hair transplantation areas.



Things You Should Avoid Before Sleeping After Hair Transplantation


Things not to do after hair transplantation include contents that recommend you to avoid damaging the hair transplanted area;

  • The sleeping pills you take to have a comfortable sleep may cause you to accidentally bump into something, you can damage the hair transplantation area during deep sleep, or have difficulty getting up in case of a simple problem.
  • If you itch or touch your head without realizing it, you have to take control for a while. Otherwise, an object rubbing the hair transplantation area may cause damage to the hair transplantation area.
  • Before hair transplantation treatment, our Mega HairTransplant doctors will explain to you in detail how the surgery will go and what you should do after the hair transplantation surgery.


How many days after hair transplant can I sleep normally?

  • In order to prevent damage to the grafts, it is necessary to keep your head vertically towards the heart and to take precautions against any damage to the hair transplantation area and to recover quickly.
  • You can sleep most comfortably in the most comfortable way by increasing the number of pillows to 2, after using one pillow at the beginning.
  • You must prevent damage to the area where hair transplantation surgery was performed for 14 days. After 14 days without any problems, you can sleep comfortably on a soft pillow without fear.
  • Preventing damage to the hair transplantation area for 14 days helps the hair transplantation area to develop safely and in the most correct way.
  • 2 weeks after hair transplantation, the hair follicles will be out of the danger period for healing and development. After hair transplantation, you can relax in the sleeping position, but it is still recommended that you avoid movements and pressure that will damage the hair transplantation area.


Sleep Comfort After Hair Transplantation


In order to avoid sleep problems after hair transplantation, your pillow must have a structure that will not cause damage against friction. In order to prevent infection in the hair transplanted area after the surgery, make sure that the pillow and bed are clean and do not cause allergic reactions.

You will not have any sleep problems as long as there is no damage to the hair transplanted area. However, if the hair transplantation area is scratched or damaged, the hair that will grow in this area may be damaged and may cause problems in hair development in the future.



How can I cover my head after hair transplant?

After hair transplantation, the hair band given or recommended by the doctor should be worn. Additionally, sleeping regularly and accelerating the healing process is directly proportional to your rest.


Frequently Asked Questions

In live hair transplantation your hair grows every month after transplantation. The extension period you see on your skin as extended is 6 to 12 months.

Before transplantation, all your hair is shortened to grade one haircut.

To harvest tissue from the nape region, we use tips called punches with a diameter of 0.7 mm. We need to cut your hair on the nape to one cm short so that these punches can extract hair follicles from inside the skin and your hair can be transplanted with the FUE technique. The nape and all your hair are shortened to grade one haircut.

The follicles do not grow back again as hair in the region where follicles are taken from. Therefore, the fruitfulness of the nape region is very important in hair transplantation. Existing hairs cover the areas where tissue was taken from and no scar is left.

As a result of the operations performed with the FUE method, your hair gets a completely natural look. This naturalness is provided by the fact that the follicles that have been taken belong to the person him or herself. Hair color is in the color and character of your hair. There are no foreign substance, reaction or side effects.

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Mega Hairtrans
Mega Hairtrans

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